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Archiving Policy

Home Archiving Policy

Archiving Policy

The Journal of Education and Finance Review (JEFR) recognizes the importance of preserving scholarly work for future reference and research. Our archiving policy is as follows: 

Digital Archiving: JEFR supports digital archiving through reputable repositories and platforms to ensure the long-term accessibility of published content.

Open Access: JEFR provides open access to archived content, allowing researchers, scholars, and the public to freely access and benefit from the journal's publications.

Permanent Preservation: JEFR is committed to permanent preservation of all published articles to safeguard the scholarly record and ensure continued availability for future generations.

Metadata Preservation: JEFR ensures that comprehensive metadata associated with each article is preserved to facilitate easy discovery and retrieval of archived content.

Versioning: JEFR maintains multiple versions of articles to track changes and updates over time, preserving the evolution of scholarly work.

Collaboration: JEFR collaborates with archiving services and initiatives to enhance the visibility and accessibility of archived content, promoting the dissemination of knowledge.

DOI Assignment: JEFR assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to articles, ensuring unique identification and persistent links for reliable archiving and citation purposes.

Compliance: JEFR complies with industry standards and best practices for digital archiving to uphold the integrity and longevity of the scholarly record.

By adhering to this archiving policy, JEFR aims to contribute to the preservation and dissemination of valuable research in the fields of education and finance.


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