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Journal of Education and Finance Review (JEFR) welcomes submissions across a broad spectrum of topics related to education and finance, including but not limited to:

  1. Teaching and learning methodologies
  2. Curriculum development and assessment practices
  3. Education policy and reform
  4. Technology integration in education
  5. Multicultural education and diversity
  6. Special education and inclusive practices
  7. Professional development for educators
  8. Educational leadership and administration
  9. Parent and community engagement in education
  10. Lifelong learning and adult education
  11. Corporate finance
  12. Financial markets and institutions
  13. Investment management
  14. Behavioral finance
  15. Financial risk management
  16. International finance
  17. Financial econometrics
  18. Fintech and digital finance
  19. Sustainable finance and ESG investing
  20. Financial regulation and policy

JEFR encourages submissions from researchers, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers across academic disciplines, including education, economics, finance, public policy, business, and related fields. We welcome both empirical and theoretical contributions that advance understanding and stimulate dialogue on the complex interplay between education and finance.

By embracing diversity, fostering collaboration, and promoting excellence, JEFR aims to contribute meaningfully to scholarship, practice, and policy in the realms of education and finance. We invite scholars and practitioners from around the world to join us in this endeavor and share their insights, research findings, and expertise.

Thank you for considering the Journal of Education and Finance Review as a venue for your scholarly contributions.


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