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Publishing Ethics

  1. Ethical Standards: Authors, reviewers, and editors must adhere to high ethical standards throughout the publication process.
  2. Authorship: All listed authors should have made significant contributions to the research and agreed to its submission for publication.
  3. Plagiarism: Submission should be original work, and plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.
  4. Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could influence the research.
  5. Review Process: Reviewers must provide unbiased, constructive feedback while maintaining confidentiality.
  6. Editorial Independence: Editors should base decisions on content quality, without influence from commercial interests or personal relationships.
  7. Data Integrity: Research data should be accurately presented, and authors should retain data for verification.
  8. Correction and Retraction: Errors should be corrected promptly, and misleading or fraudulent research must be retracted.
  9. Compliance: Authors should comply with all relevant laws and regulations concerning research ethics and integrity.
  10. Transparency: All funding sources, data sources, and potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed.

These publication ethics are designed to uphold the integrity and quality of the Journal of Education and Finance Review (JEFR).

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